What’s Happening?
Weekly Small Group
Tuesdays at 7PM (Via Zoom)
Sundays at 9:30AM (At Church)
Join us each week as we dive into scripture and discuss Sunday's previous sermon.
Small groups are available in-person or online.
Email us at office@semheights.com for more details or to receive Zoom link information!

Ignite Youth
Third Sundays 5-7pm
Ignite youth group is open to students in 6th-12th grades. Each gathering includes a lesson, games, and fun.
Email Family Ministries Assistant, Becca Baughman, (becca@semheights.com) to find out about upcoming youth group events!

Free Community Dinner
Every Wednesday
We are excited to offer a WEEKLY free dinner each Wednesday night from 5:30-6:30. All are welcome! Take a break from cooking and gather around the table with us!
Messy Church and Free Dinner
Wednesday Feb 26
5:30-7:00 pm
Join us this month for a circus themed messy church! We’ll learn through the story of Samson how God calls us to be strong in times of challenge. Messy Church is an interactive worship experience for kids and their families! All are welcome for dinner and family fun.
Teddy Bear Sleepover
Friday February 22 to Saturday February 23
Teddy Bear Sleepover is for children 4 years old through those in 5th grade. We will provide dinner and breakfast. We request that participants bring their teddy bear and a second teddy bear to donate.
Registration Closed at this time.
Drive Thru Ash Wednesday
Wednesday March 5
7:00- 8:00 am
In the morning, Pastor Tiffania will offer Drive Thru Ashes. You can stay in your car and follow the signs to receive your ashes in the church driveway off of Central Ave. Prepackaged communion elements will also be available for all.

Ash Wednesday Free Dinner and Kid-Friendly Church Service
Wednesday March 5
5:30- 6:30 pm
Join us for a free meal, a kid-friendly explanation of the Ash Wednesday tradition, and a chance for everyone to receive a cross of ashes to remember God's love for them.

Ash Wednesday Chapel Service
Wednesday March 5
6:30 - 7:00 pm
Join us after our community dinner for a short Chapel service to start the Lenten season with prayer and to receive ashes together.
Ash Wednesday is the start of the season of Lent, a 40-day time of spiritual reflection and renewal before Easter. Christians traditionally mark the beginning of this season by receiving a cross made of ashes on their forehead or hand as a way to remember God loves us and forgives us.