Updated for 2024

On Saturday, November 23, 8:00am-3:00pm, Seminole Heights UMC will host our annual craft fair in the heart of Old Seminole Heights, which has taken place for over 50 years.
We are seeking vendors of craft items of any type or consultants for products such as Pampered Chef, Creative Memories, Avon, etc. We apologize in advance; however, we are unable to accept food vendors at this time.
Cost is $50 for a 10' x 10' outdoor space. The registration deadline is November 9. Cost includes a lunch ticket for food concessions.
Once your application is received and reviewed, you will receive instructions on how to pay for your space. This is a rain or shine event, and unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds once you have paid.
Questions? Email semheightsbazaar@gmail.com with Holiday Craft Bazaar in the subject line to sign up today! We will see you on November 23!