Get Involved
There are many ways to be a part of SHUMC! We invite you to commit your time, talents, gifts,
service and/or witness to our mission; our ministries thrive on the generosity of individual
people, and we are deeply appreciative of any support you feel called to offer.
Sign up below to volunteer at Seminole Heights UMC!

Sunday Worship
Help us on Sunday mornings! - whether it's setting up, serving as a greeter before the service, helping with A/V, or serving as an usher during the service. Email to sign up.

Children & Youth Ministries
Children and youth ministries are in full swing, and we need volunteers to make it happen! Let us know if you would be willing to help out once per month, or a few times per year with our children and youth. Email to sign up!
Connect with Your Neighbors
Get to know your neighbors and offer a helping hand. Let your neighbors know you are there for them if they need help with picking up groceries or urgent supplies, a friendly phone call, or a prayer.
Print out twelve doorhangers to share with your twelve closest neighbors - three on each side of you and six across the street.