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2021 New Leaders

A new year means new leaders in our church! Our church leaders make ministry decisions and help behind the scenes in lots of different ministry areas. Check out the list of this year's leaders, and we invite you to pray for them as they lead our church in 2021.

Administrative Committee

Chair: Emily Swiger Secretary: Donna Hendrix Lay Leader: Tom Culberson Lay Member to Annual Conference: Cindi Hughlett Trustees Chair: Brent Epperson Trustees Vice Chair: Todd Davies Trustees Treasurer: Larry Blankenship Trustees ex-officio member: Alan Dobbs Finance Chair: Ken Brown Financial Secretary for Giving: Jayne Braddy Financial Secretary for Fundraising: James Jenkins Treasurer: Christine Messer (staff) Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Chair: Candice Legg SPR at-large member: Katy Smith SPR at-large member: Margie Tarrago

Ministry Area Leaders

Spiritual Formation: Emily Swiger Children’s Ministries: Deni Blankenship Youth Ministries: Greg Vondruska Youth Representative: Kevin Vondruska Congregational Care: Betty Jones Hospitality: Becky Epperson, Jane Brown Archives and History: Kiersty Cox Kitchen Coordinator: Larry Blankenship United Methodist Women: Heike Doiron Preschool Partnership: Lisa Culberson Seminole Heights Elementary Partnership: Heike Doiron, Kristen Brown Metropolitan Ministries: Maggie Hudspeth Cuba Sister Church: Andy Blount TRIBE: Kristen Brown Pumpkin Patch: Brent and Becky Epperson Christmas Trees: Ken Brown, Matt Legg Children’s Home: Lindsay Braun Connectional Giving: Christine Messer (staff) Boy Scout Liaison: Alan Dobbs


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Church: (813) 236-5931

Preschool: (813) 232-8231

6111 N Central Ave
Tampa, FL 33604

Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday

by Appointment only

©2024 by Seminole Heights United Methodist Church

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