Pastor Tiffania is expecting a Baby Girl, due at the beginning of June. She will be on maternity leave for 12 weeks. While she is out, please email office@semheights.com with any questions or concerns. Weekly worship will continue Sundays at 10:30am. See the guest preaching schedule below!
May 26: Becca Baughman, Family and Community Ministries Assistant
June 2: Rev. Clark Edwards, former pastor at Seminole Heights UMC 1992-2000
June 9: Sam Martinez, Chair of Florida Conference Cuba Ministry
June 16: Rev. Brian Carr, Director of Church Relations for Residing Hope (formerly the Florida United Methodist Children's Home)
June 23: Rev. Florence Parra, retired UMC local pastor
June 30: Becca Baughman, Family and Community Ministries Assistant
July 7: Rev. Elizabeth Byrd, Associate Pastor at Peachtree Road UMC in Atlanta, GA
July 14: Sue Panazze, Seminole Heights UMC Lay Speaker
July 21: Abdel Rodriguez, Candidate for Ministry at Faith Primera Iglesia in Tampa
July 28: Youth Sunday
August 4: Rev. Jackie Jones-Smith, retired UMC Elder
August 11: Sue Panazze, Seminole Heights UMC Lay Speaker
August 18: Molly McEntire, Florida Annual Conference Missional Engagement Team Lead
August 25: Bishop Tom Berlin, Resident Bishop of the Florida Annual Conference